Sunday, November 9, 2008

Are You Ready for Distance Education?

List five pros of having virtual schools.
1) Individualized Learning Plan for each student charts a course for success during and after high school.

2) The Washington Virtual Academies use the flexible curriculum from K¹², which is based on decades of education research about how minds really work. With courses in six core subjects, it was designed to let K-8 kids find the pace and learning style that work best for them and to enable high school students to find their own path to post-high school success. Students can choose to study what they are interested in.

3) The curriculum is wrapped with rich, engaging content that turns minds on. The minds that usually wander when traditional classes are too slow. The minds that get lost in the shuffle. The minds that need a little more time.

4) Students set their own schedule and go at their own pace.

5) You could have one-on-one time with the teacher whenever you need.

List five cons of having virtual schools.
1) Students don't get as much social interaction with other students. They will need social interaction in their future jobs and we are taking away that aspect of learning for your students.

2) Students have to work online on a computer. Some programs will provide lab tops for the students. It is a downfall to have to have all the the assignments due through the internet.

3) Students don't get in-person support from teachers. There is no physical contact between student and teacher.

4) It is harder for students to get involved in extra curricular activities and sports. Also it is up to the parents to keep the students accountable for physical activity.

5) There is always the issue of sexual predators online and hackers. You have no way of making sure your student doesn't see things online that you wouldn't want your student to see. Even secure sights can have its issues that lets stuff slide through.

How would you determine the readiness of a student to participate in distance delivery?

There are many aspects I would need to look at to determine the readiness of students to participate in distance education. First of all, I would look the maturity level of student to determine if the student was ready. Depending on the maturity level of the student they can or cannot handle the responsibility of distance education. When getting an education by distance delivery and not physically in a classroom with a teacher to help the student has to depend on themselves to find assignments, complete assignments, look for help when needed, etc. Another area I would look at when looking for readiness would be the student’s motivational level. The student is responsible for being proactive and if they aren’t motivated to do so, they will struggle in a distance education program.

What would you need to do to be able to teach in a virtual school?

Most programs require a bachelors in education but you don't have to be teacher certified. That detail kind of scares me. The best teacher qualification I found was the iQ Academy which I have pasted their requirements below. The teacher would need to have some technology knowledge. I personally think that the teacher would have to be observant at picking out the child's personality and learning style based on the child's homework. Also the teacher would need to be ok with the non-social aspect of teaching.

All iQ Academy courses are taught by experienced, state-certified teachers who are licensed in the subjects they teach. Every class includes teacher-graded assignments that are returned within 72 hours of submission. Teachers provide weekly online instruction for each course via Elluminate® — an interactive web conferencing environment. Sessions are taped, for convenient on-demand playback. Whenever students have questions, they can contact their teacher either by email or a toll-free phone number. Teachers respond to student requests within 24 hours.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Teacher Web Relfections

1. Describe at least 3 ways how you see the use of a class web site could be used to support your future teaching. Provide specific details for each example.
(1) The first thing I can see is it would be a great way to communicate with parents and get them involved in my classroom. Through announcements pages, supply and wish list, as well as homework pages parents can know and be involved in what there student is doing academically. It is also a great way for me to communicate directly with parents if I form a parent page. (2) It is a fun way for students to get to know me and for me to get to know them. The students can look at my about me page and email me with any thoughts or questions. I think it will be very beneficial in my classroom to know my students and I get the opportunity through Teacherweb to have another form of communication with me. I know some students tend to be shy in class but being able to send me disposition assessment through Teacherweb reflections can be a way for them to open up to me. (3) The third way teacher web can be beneficial to me is that I am able to hit a different learning modality and intelligence through it. It provides me with the tools to be able to send kids online to sites I have preapproved. I can have new creative ways to use technology for my lessons and in the classroom. A specific example of this would be to have links to web quest lesson plans that I have created for the classroom. I could also post kiosk PowerPoint lessons for students to learn material as well as quiz themselves. This would be a fun way to teach material.

2 Identify what you see as the top 2 ways students could use a class web site to enhance their learning and provide some justifications for your selections.
One of the most beneficial aspects of teacher web for the students is that teachers can post homework due dates online for them. Students are able to double check when assignments are due, what the rubric looks like, what need to be done for assignments. TeacherWeb can become the student’s own personal planner in a way.
The second very beneficial aspect of TeacherWeb to the students is that they can check their progress in the class. Teachers are capable of posting the students grade anonyms by student ID number online with not only there grade but what grades they received on what assignments.

3 Think about the page types and features of the Teacher Web system. What do you feel where the 2 strongest features or page types within the Teacher Web system? Why do you see these as the strongest?
I think the response page and the link page were the most beneficial and or strongest styles of pages. I think the response page is so great because it is so versatile. It can help build quizzes or have generic questionnaires. Teachers can get feedback on their teaching as well as feedback on the student’s learning. The links page may not be as versatile but it is well used. When you already have students online having the capacity to send them to links that you have approved for their educational learning is a great advantage. I think that is why these two page styles are of the greatest advantage to use.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Engaging Students With Concept Mapping

1. What impact might the use of Concept mapping software have on students learning within your classroom? Give two or three specific examples.

Students and educators can use concept mapping to think, brainstorm, organize, analyze and write. This software can inspire students to study and learn successfully. Cool things with this is that you can change from pictures to a written outline form. One activity that you could do with students to be creative in their learning is word sorts online. You can have students organize words and pictures into vowel sound categories. Another activity you can do is a family tree on line showing with two way and one way arrows if needed representing connections. A third activity could be to do a brainstorming map online before writing a paper. It can be a fun creative way to have them prepare to write a story.

2. Discuss the amount of time it would take to learn this type of application to the point where you would feel comfortable integrating it in your classroom. Do you think it would be worth the time?

Honestly, it may take me a week to really get a grasp of all the aspects to the point where I feel comfortable using it in class. I think it depends on what grade level I am teaching if it will be worth it to have spent that time. If I can use it often in 5-6th grade class room than it would be wonderful to use in multiple interactions with students. My only hesitancy is I would not be able to use this program often enough with k-3rd to really get any benefit out of the time spent. Most classrooms I have been in for younger elementary classrooms do not have computers, nor do I really want them to be stuck at a computer. I would rather the students do large concept maps with markers, paper, cut-outs, etc. I think it would be fun to use every so often but not something I want to implement use everyday or every week.

Here is an example of a concept map.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blogs and Wikis in Education

1.Identify and describe 3 interesting/innovative ways blogs and/or wikis are being used in k-12 classrooms.
A.You have the capabilities of doing interwoven discussions on a book students were supposed to have read. A teacher can post questions to initiate conversation and then have students post and respond to at least 2 other blog posts. It would allow student to be able to jot down ideas informally and gives the teacher an opportunity to see their knowledge and comprehension of the book.
B.You could use questionnaires on blogs for both students and parents. Students could assess a group project or assignment given so you as a teacher can evaluate your teaching. Parents also can take a questionnaire online.
C.You could use a wiki for virtual field trips. You could have your students research far away places they would like to go on a field trip, and get them to share images and information about the location. They could also create presentation on wikis. Instead of using traditional presentation software, put presentations on a wiki.

2.Describe how you might use RSS reader/aggregator within a classroom setting.
RSS: Real(ly) Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, essentially a webfeed delivered as an XML file to an aggregator or feed collector / reader. Some general benefits for education is the organizing and streamlining the abundance of content on the web, allowing for an approach to reading the combines both picking out interesting and relevant materials and making connections between the relevant and interesting materials, developing reading skills important for both our students and ourselves, and it gives students the opportunity to evaluate and weed out content on the web. In the classroom students can subscribe to topic-specific sites that relate to the course, allowing them to stay aware of recent developments in the field. It can help them with research Students can also contribute to the collection of feeds by seeking out relevant sites on the web and sharing these feeds with the class. They can have ease of reading and commenting on peers’ blogs: In a class that uses blogs, RSS can make more efficient the exchange of ideas and knowledge that makes blogs a worthwhile pedagogical tool in the first place. Students can subscribe to the blogs of their classmates and easily see when they’ve been updated. The last thing that is a cool incorporation is that they get to think differently about writing for a digital world.

3.Describe 2 pros and 2 cons of using blogs and wikis in education.
Possible cons include content control with student writing, how grammatically correct it should be or permitted not to be, and how to keep students from being influenced to use blogs in ways that might cause them harm (like sex offenders online). Possible pros include how open commenting can positively affect student motivation to write and write well, and how teachers could introduce students to other social networking environments beyond our nation into global networks.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

1. There are many types of multiple intelligences but I scored the highest, with a 90 in both Kinesthetic and Intrapersonal. The core characteristics of kinesthetic intelligence is that the person is task oriented by doing, demonstrates well-developed motor skills, responds quickly to a physical stimulus, expresses both feelings and ideas through their body movements, shows balance, flexibility and agility, and takes in information through bodily sensations. Intrapersonal core characteristics include: an affective awareness where the student knows his or her own feelings, an ethical awareness of what are their principles and moral standards, self-regulation of their thoughts, behaviors, and actions, and an awareness of their own thought processes. the core characteristic that I most agree with from the kinesthetic intelligence is the reflexive quality. I do tend to respond quickly to an physical stimulus. The core characteristic from the intrapersonal intelligence I most commonly associate myself with is my ethical awareness. I do know what my moral priorities are and what principles I stand for and against.

2. Students who are kinesthetic demonstrate strong fine and gross motor ability, seek to interact with their environment, and tend to be mistaken for hyperactive children. These students enjoy hands-on activities, games, and activity learning tasks. In the classroom it is better for them to be in learning centers than seat work and are highly capable of manipulating materials. Also they were more focused on hands-on activities if it is an extended period of time. Students who are intrapersonal are comfortable with who they are and express strong likes and dislikes of activities. They are good at communicating their emotions and know their own strengths and weakness. These students make good choices and set realistic goals. They are confident in their instincts, sense of justice and fairness, and ability to relate to others.

3.There are many ways to support a kinesthetic learner in the classroom setting. A teacher should incorporate creative drama into his or her instruction and include interactive games in reviewing and remediating content. Teachers should be providing hands-on learning centers and offering experiences in movement to rhythm and music. In science teachers need to engage students in hands-on experiments and in math they need to utilize manipulatives. Teachers should allow opportunities for building and taking apart, as well as encouraging students to construct physical representations of concepts. The most important way to help this style of leaning it to keep students physically moving throughout the school day. For intrapersonal students it is vital for a teacher to use differentiating instruction. Allowing choices and making comparisons will help these students learn. If I allow times to journal and times for students to reflect I will be helping support these children's learning style. It is important that I allow students to set goals and express their feelings on a topic.

4. For kinesthetics learners there are many tools that support this learning. They enjoy technologies like inclined planes, pulleys, wedges, construction tools, kitchen utensils, screws, levers, wheel and axles, and physical education equipment. They also are encouraged through manipulative materials, joysticks, simulations that require eye-hand coordination, digital probes, and assistive technologies. Technologies that support intrapersonal learners include diaries, journals, and surveys of any type. These students also like learning centers, real time projects, class discussion, voting machines, and children's literature. Also they thrive in digital portfolios and self assessments.

5. I think as I am aware of multiple intelligences I will become a teacher whom is more aware and in-tune with her students. I will not only be able to incorporate many different ways to encourage all styles but I will also understand the preconceived notions about education I have because of my learning style. I think it will help me teach. I know it will aid me in my understanding of my students. Also I think it will help me in conference with parents to show them I am focused on improving their child.


Welcome to my blog designed for my Education Technology class T & L 445. I am psyched to learn more uses for technology in the classroom as well as becoming more computer literate. It will be interesting to see how I advance through the technology world as I take this course. I definitely have a lot to learn.